Monday, November 16, 2009

Starting the week at Mac20Q

The first job will be to finish editing the interview of David from I have a terrible cold during that interview and I have to take a good few sniffs, but I do sound like I have a cold anyway with a head all blocked up. Then I will have a think about what to do next for a screencast. I could do some more for ScreenFlow or I could do a few small tips like showing a few of the more useful keyboard short cuts in MacOSX.

Another plan for the week will be to perhaps to a software review for the MacReviewcast. Tim Verpoorten is publishing every other week now and I think he will be bringing out a new one at the end of this week.

It is nice and warm here in Spain this week, good to be missing out on those storms that battered England during the weekend.

I will be able to go back to my Spanish and Catalan classes this week. Last week with the bad cold I could face going into the Catalan class because the room is like a fridge. I am sure the light comes on automatically when the door is opened.

Still waiting for the arrival of my Final Cut Express and the Contour Shuttle Express, getting a bit miffed after waiting two week already. I want to dive into the movie editing and also finish setting up the green screen in my studio.

Don't forget to give me a ReTweet from time to time to help build the number up for Mac20Q and Video20Q.

There is another interview I have already which is for Writers20Q, an interview of J.C. Hutchins. I really had a blast talking to him, teased him a bit and made him laugh too.

The other thing to do is to have more of a play with Google Wave. If you want to get a Wave invite then use a form on one of my sites to send me and email with the words Wave to me in the subject or in the body of the email. I still have more to give away.

Posted via email from Mac 20 Questions

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