Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Have been using Mercury Mover app from - such a useful application especially for a screencaster
Checking Stats for Mac20Q- 4,741 downloads for Sept an increase of over 50% on last month.
Thats cool - thought my Spanish course was starting today but it is not for another couple of weeks. A bit more time for myself today
I tried out Ping on iPhone & not bad. Also installed Dropbox - Excellent. I used it to look at a doc file.
The director of 'Death Warmed up' talks to Video20Q Podcast
Time to walk the dog and listen to Buz Out Loud Podcast. Those crazy geeks

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I am all podcasted out for the day so time to hit the sack. Video 20 Questions Podcast 5 featuring @Blythcult horror film director is ready
@Blythcult your interview on Video 20 Questions is now published. Really enjoyed listening to you David - Thanks
Changing the KB shortcuts in AmadeusPro to suit my interview editing making it much quicker to make the cuts the way I want. Excellent
bringing some video, downloading iWork update, checking twitter, reading various stuff all more or less at once, ow ! my head

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Patrick Swayze film on TV later BBC1 and Keanu learns to surf - Point Break - 1991 was it that long ago?
You couldn't wish to meet a nicer chap @GazMaz on Mac20Q Podcast 58 talking about his Mac habits
I wonder if Jensen Button the next F1 World Champion uses a Mac. I should interview him for Mac 20 Questions if he does.
not only on IMP, For Mac Eyes Only & MacReviewCast @Gazmaz the cuckoo podcaster is on Mac20Q too. Good plan Gary
checked Movistar web site for price of the MiFi - There were pics and info but no prices, I can't stand Telefonica complete pain in the arse
Interview with the rugby referee @GazMaz about what he does with his Mac now ready Pls RT
Next podcast on Video 20 Questions is the interview with @blythcult film maker from New Zealand. He made 'Death Warmed Up' & 'Angel Mine'

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Does anyone in Spain have a MyFi gadget and how is it working for you?

Friday, September 25, 2009

RT @KarenSperling: - L.A. gallery show opening tonight! join us!
Eumagine Factory has posted a new item, 'Trailer: MISSION X online on EUMAGINE TV ' You may view the latest post at
Sick of working here so I am going to my favourite beach at St Pol for a swim. Cool down a bit too.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Saw the film Malditos Bastardos from Tarantino this eve and I was not that impressed, Too slow a pace and underwhelming overall

Film making Mac users were interviewed, Jamin and Kiowa Winans of Double Edge Films. They were great to talk to and impressed me greatly with their approach to the movie industry. The Movie INK was well received at the Santa Barbara Film Festival and now is being show around the country in the USA.

It's been six months since premiering Ink at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival, and though we've been having a lot of successes, Ink has taken a path I never could have predicted. A lot of filmmakers have asked us about our strategy with the film and why we've made some of the decisions we have with the release of Ink. Here is a description of our experience and an explanation of why we're doing what we're doing.

To read more click on the picture to the left.

I am so looking forward to seeing the movie, it looks so exciting in the trailer. Not only are they from Colorado but they filmed INK there and used actors from the area too. Kiowa tells me that Colorado has so many different types of scenery just perfect for filming a movie, no problem in finding locations and even helps to keep the film in budget when you know the area and the people of the area.

GotoMeeting sponsors Mac 20 Questions


Jamin has had a camera in his hands since he was 10 years old, making feature length films as a teenager learning how to cut and splice video tape, he must be so pleased to be using Final Cut Pro now.

So you can see that he has quite a background in making movies. INK most certainly is not his first movie and he has other movies in the pipeline for the future. The exact details as a bit hush hush but I bet it will be scifi in its outlook, he seems likes that genre

Kiowa has a huge involvement in the making of the film INk and has been responsible for the Producers job and worked the sound for the film. They have a small sound studio in the house where they sometimes whip out the senheiser mic and record what they need and also to combine with foley sounds to further enhance the movie.

Godaddy sponsors Mac 20 Questions - Use the code POD146 to get a discount of 10% off your next order for domain names or web hosting

Here is the trailer for the movie INK for you to enjoy.

The music for the outro of the podcast is by Louis Vig a track called Can You Feel It
Signed up for some more Spanish classes today to go with the Catalan classes already signed up for. Will be busy learning all winter‘out-there’/ A post on the Amplified site about my participation at Podcamp barcelona

Monday, September 21, 2009

Just finished the @Knightwise Mac20Q Podcast - saving it down to an MP3 ready to publish on the Blog
Just bought the new Muse Album with the LP extras off iTunes. Just love Muse - looking forward to listening when the DL is complete

Friday, September 18, 2009

Just completed interview of the one and only @Gazmaz. As sane as you or I honest Judge ! Really nice bloke you will enjoy the Mac20Q Podcast
Getting the presentation ready for the Podcamp Barcelona tomorrow at Mas Nou. talking about 'Promoting your Podcast'

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Make a feature film with your Mac @DoubleEdgeFilms did just that. It is called INK & being shown in selected cinemas now. Excellent movie !
INK the Movie by @DoubleEdgeFilms has been talking to Video 20 Questions Podcast - Jamin and Kiowa Winans interviewed. Episode coming soon

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Latest Podcast from Mac 20 Questions Audio link. Talking about Snow Leopard with guests
I did a review of AmadeusPro audio editor for The MacReviewCast @surfbits excellent podcast
Godaddy fixed the prob with the WordPress installation on the new domain I have just set up. Excellent I will have
Talking to @Chance4321 about making movies & if it is possible in #2WkFilm
Could well buy the Muse CD which is due out in the next couple of days. I love their music loads
Updating my Ping.Fm settings to include some more Networks. Added Tabbed and MySpace to the list of 34 I post to about Mac20Q Podcast

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I just interviewed the incredible @Knightwise from Belgium for Mac20Q Podcast 56 coming soon. Really super guy you should follow
The movie I made is for Video 20 Questions Podcast. details of new podcasts with interviews of film makers.
Just made a movie using Quicktime and iMovie with the iSight camera on my iMac exporting now to Youtube direct from QuickTime
2GB of backup for free with DropBox will help keep your data safe. I use DropBox and I recommend it Win or Mac
Have you got you 2GB offsite backup space yet from Mozy. I use it despite having a Drobo

Monday, September 14, 2009

I just put in the 2 - 500GB drives out of the Iomega ext. into the Drobo. 1st went in without switching off then the 2nd I had to switch off
Asking for people that would like to featured in a 20 Questions Podcast. Video, Photography, Mac. Don't be shy it is just a chat
I love the way you can record in the new quick time & send it directly to YouTube or MobileMe. It works a treat.
Watching the trailer for the film INK by @DoubleEdgeFilms who I will talk to later for Video 20 Questions Podcast - Looks nightmare scary !

Karen Spering wrote the book called Painting for Photographers


Listen to the Podcast

What was so great about talking with Karen was that she is into so many things, like myself she can't stop herself being interested in a variety of interests. She has published a book called Painting for Photographers which is available now as an eBook and will be going into print very shortly. It is not her first book either, as karen has written a number of manuals for the Application Painter or PainterX. Karen also is an artist and amazingly like the same styles of art as myself too. Both of us really like the German expresionists, the surrealist and we both have an appreciation for the talent of Picasso.

You really must have a look at her paintings at her web site. She is conveying a dream world as art and with them being in black and white it reminds me of the work by Giger the artist that created the creature in the movie Alien. Karen is having an exhibition this month of her art work and if you live near enough you are invited to go and have a look.

Karen also writes screen plays for movies and has a script for a romantic comedy, where does she find the time to do all these things?

The podcast is supported by sponsors GoToMeeting

Have a look at the free 30 day trial

Highly Toxic

Gallery Godo
6749 San Fernando Rd.#C Glendale, CA 91201
Opening Night: September 25, 2009
7 pm to midnight - Please join us!

Show Sponsor is GoDaddy - I use GoDaddy for all my domains and hosting. I use the deluxe hosting for $7.99 a month and have a number of my domains on the same hosting. It is a huge bargain where other hosting companies will let you only have one domain or perhaps two on a hosting and probably charge more for it too. Godaddy is for me the best place to get domains and I am happy to recommend it to you. If you put in the code POD146 when you get to the check out you will get 10% discount off your order. I tested that out and it works.

Contact me and lets talk about Macs, art, photography, cars, football, motorbikes, film, video

Snow Leopard after a couple of weeks of using it

Listen to the podcast

In this podcast I talk to three mac users after Snow Leopard had been out for a week or so. Two of them had upgraded and the other was still waiting for the disks to arrive. Thanks to Mark Dalton, and Alexander to talking about their experiences actually installing Snowy and to Stefaan Lesage for a general chat prior to his pending upgrade. Looking forward to meeting up with Stefaan later this week at Podcamp Barcelona.

I will have a busy week this week with interviews lined up with Mac users and also some indie film makers and the Podcamp next Saturday. I put out a video podcast yesterday featuring my friend the artist Frank Corfield for Artist 20 Questions.

I waffle on about my new toy , a Drobo which is sitting on my desk now keeping my data safe. I have put in a couple of 1TB drives and have another pair of 500GB Drives to put in also.

Mark has just bought a Drobo also and had put in 4 of 1TB drives. So he will have plenty of room for his video stuff with Final Cut Pro.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

For my next trick I will be sitting on the sofa watching England beat Croatia to get qualified for the World Cup in South Africa
Just started the download of the iPhone 3.1 update - cool - will probably take ages seeing as the server will be getting hammered

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I connected the Drobo with the firewire cable copying files across to it now of the main HD taking a while to do the job
Got an executioners hood free with the my Drobo - really. Not sure if it is really me though ?

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Rachael giggled her way through the interview and you just can’t help but like her Mac20Q
Listening to the @Maccast Podcast with Adam talking to Scott Johnson - really interesting interview
RSS feed for Mac20Q Podcast in iTunes to get the latest Podcasts - Advanced Menu - Subscribe to Podcast
Still having probs with the RSS feed for wordpress in iTunes not updating. Kicked Feedburner into touch. pls use feed://

Friday, September 4, 2009

Nice to have a day without installing applications on Snow Leopard. Good to have another Mac20Q Podcast done too !

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I will be chronicling my Snowy exploits soon in Oh what fun I had for a couple of days, Yippee aye Aaaay
Editing @calmbanana Rachael interview for Mac 20 Questions Podcast 53 - now that I have Snow Leopard sorted out on both my Macs
Coming out the other side - What a day. I am finishing things of reinstalling on the iMAc and re doing the MacBook from scratch. I'm Snowied

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

nearly have iTunes filled back up with all my music apps and podcasts only another 1400 items
Blimey this is a long job to get my iMac back after the Snow Leopard install with all the app installs
Uploading the latest Writers 20 Questions Podcast. I talk to a writer called ChrisGraue. Are you a writer & would you like to be featured ?
I have the SuperDuper done & ready for Snowy - Feeling hesitant. What do you think? Should I nuke and pave the iMac with Snow Leopard?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Find out more about @KarenSperling and her book here Painting for Photographers
Just finished interviewing Karen Sperling the author of the book 'Painting for Photographers' a Mac user & artist, writer & interesting
What has gone where in Snow Leopard article
Seems Snowy is only allowing me to have either Ethernet or Airport working at the one time. Before I had both running to switch seemlessly
with the SuperDuper I have 97 GB done of 367GB - quite a way to go yet it seems.
I am doing the SuperDuper back up on the iMac ready for Snow Leopard. I think the scorched earth policy will be better but more time to do
But on the other hand I was able to find cheap hard Samsung drives 1TB from 3 days to get here no messing. Purrfect
Mind you I am grumpy due to Misco messing me about over purchase of Hard drives. They will not let me buy off the English site with .es card
Not that pleased with the upgrade to Snowy. The Networking problem is annoying. it should just work.
went walking with my dog + the neighbours that follows as usual visited a friend & ended up back at home with 3 dogs. Have to return the 3rd
Upgrading 1Password on the MacBook there were 10 upgrades since last upgraded. This is maintenance release for Snow Leopard
Had some Airport networking problems with the Snow Leopard with MacBook upgrade. Solved in the Apple forum. So now I am connected