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Paul also known as iSherbet which is a hark back to childish memories of the sherbet fountain sweet you could get in days of old.
Maybe it is still possible to buy a sherbet fountain and I can treat myself when I am in Dublin next week. Paul is a karaoke type of DJ and encourages people to sing while drunk. At least he can put on the headphones and not be inflicted with the auditory pain of the pub singer. Honestly though, he says he enjoys doing it. Paul has a huge collection of songs which he manages on the Mac and uses an application called Kjams. Which is nothing to do with Jim Jams, or so I am told. Paul is even able to allow the karaoke singers use the iPhone to log in and chose the song they want to sing and get in a proper queue for belting out their tune, amazing I say.
Paul spent the whole of the interview talking on his iPhone, which was all right seeing as he was using the new Skype iPhone application to be interviewed and I have to say I was surprised that the audio was as good as it turned out to be. better than I have had with from some people with the Mac and a microphone.
He listens to loads of Geeky podcasts to be able to do some time travel on his way to work. Makes a commute shorter when you can be distracted by a podcast and some games like Touch Physics on the iPhone.
Last Friday there was a meeting of the Mac 20 Questions in the GoToMeeting and a great time was had by all. For me I was testing the system and was able to show a few things with the sharing of my screen. Quite impressive really. We will have the next meeting in the Mac20Q town hall on Friday the 17th of April. be there or be square. First 15 people in the room.
I recorded the audio from last week using WireTap Studio and it worked for me so this week I will try to have some question set up and record it with a view to making it a podcast.
Next Monday I will be in Dublin and have arranged to meet with the Mac Craic lads if they can get a evening pass from the boss. Looks like we will meet up in the Aussie Bar in Parnell street. If there are people there I will perjhaps do some impromtu recording. Why not?